Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day One

Does it look like Paul and Dick are having fun yet?
Guess the picture doesn't tell the whole story (but it's the only picture we took on day one so it will have to do).

We're at Mabry Mill and although the picture doesn't quite capture the joy and excitment we are feeling inside ... it actually was a great first day! After a great breakfast we left home around 9. The more we rode together, the more I remembered why we do this and the great memories of "rides past."

The weather is cooling as we ride towards the mountains,
Feeling the acceleration and hearing the motor respond to the twist of the wrist, slowing for the corners, and accelerating again ...
Seeing the beauty of the mountains and passing through the canopy of a dark green forest,
Stopping for gas and chatting with strangers ... where you going? Wow ... that's a long way!

Tomorrow we're headed for York, PA to tour the Harley factory ... maybe we can get a reject ... cheap :^) Looking forward to staying with David and Inger in New Jersey and meeting up with Joe. Maybe we can capture some better smiles on day two!!!

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